Estimating games


10 estimating games of all kinds that help you to develop deeper understanding of this vital business and relational skill




Estimating is an acquired art built on a mix of high level understanding for business data and an ordinary feel for everyday life.  A good estimate is always impressive.  Estimating skills are both technical and relational.  A starting point to develop estimating skills is to explore some examples and to experiment with the art of informed and astute guessing.

Estimating games can be a lot of fun.  They develop group work, an understanding of the way people think, and a feel for business trends and the economy.  A good estimator is potentially good at risk taking and many aspects of entrepreneurship.  Estimating games are valid for almost any workshop session or team training.  They will always be a good resource for your presentations, workshops and training courses.   Inventing the games or finding them on the web will take longer and cost you more time than this quick download of road-tested estimating games. : Ian Stokes, Project Leader and Advisor

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